Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My podcast debut: a dream come true

Hi guys!!

I'm am thrilled to announce that I had the privilege to contribute my voice to the latest Gastropod podcast "Extreme Salads and Crazy Potatoes." If you guys are regular readers you probably know by now that I absolutely LOVE Gastropod and being able to open their latest episode is a dream come true! You can listen to it here: http://gastropod.com/extreme-salad-and-crazy-potatoes/

I am also pleased to announce that the Week of Lunchie is going really well! Keep liking (voting on) those Instagram photos and I might extend it to the Month of Lunchie! :)

Please stay warm everyone! If you need some help with that, here is a great list of awesome hot chocolate recipes: http://www.buzzfeed.com/chelseypippin/22-hot-chocolate-recipes-to-get-you-through-winter (btw, I tried the peanut butter one and it wasn't as great as it sounded :( )


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