Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sugar in a Plastic Bucket, Doesn't that Sound Appetizing?

Here is a grotesque close-up 
Yesterday I was in Rite Aid on the check-out line to purchase some shampoo when I looked to my left and saw something truly horrifying. Appalling. Even sickening. Here it is:

 All I have to say is: what has our the world of food come to??? Who in their right mind would stroll into a drug store, see a plastic cylinder filled with wrinkly pastel floss and think, "That looks like something I want to put in my mouth!"

Yes, I have seen cotton candy before. Yes, I have eaten it. But tasting the melting sugary sensation only makes me want to spit it back out.

And you know what the best part is? In the yellow balloon on the container it reads "Fat Free". Like that makes everything better. Oh hooray! It's fat free! That makes up for the ALL THE SUGAR I AM SHOVING INTO MY BODY.

FACT: When something says its "fat free" it means that all the fat has been taken out and has been replaced with refined sugar to compensate for the lost flavor. Fat free is not a good thing.

We need to be schooled on the importance of food knowledge. No, not how many hot dogs one can eat in one sitting, no, not the price of a chocolate bar at Walgreens.

Nutrition facts of a tub of the cotton candy
Before you purchase one bucket of cotton candy, or any processed food item, ask yourself, "Do I know what is really in this?" Knowing where our food comes from. This is invaluable.

