Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Avoiding the word "vegetables" in commercials

The perception (and half-truth) of American children and their relationship with food is that they are processed food-ivores, and incapable of ingesting such victuals as (whispered) *vegetables.* This perception and taboo on vegetables is only furthered by recent commercials for Bush's Baked Beans and Progresso Soup.

Allow me to regale you with my grievances about these two commercials in epistolary format.

Dear Bush's Baked Beans,

Beans are legumes, not vegetables.

Sincerely, Informed Citizen

Dear Progresso Soup,

The actor that plays the father in your commercial pronounces "vegetables" in a way that makes me uncomfortable. He practiced it way too many times in front of the mirror.

Yours truly,
Uncomfortable Viewer

Dear Bush's Baked Beans,

The fact that there is twice as many grams of sugar than protein in your baked beans makes me sad.

Disappointed Consumer

Here's the bottom line: I don't want to write these pathetic letters to these apparently uneducated companies. Reinforcing the idea that kids won't eat vegetables and thereafter replacing the fresh, whole veggies with canned beans and soup is doing nothing to help this sorry perception in our country.
source: progresso.com

So I'm asking you, informed citizen, uncomfortable viewer, and disappointed consumer, to not give in and to spread the word: "KIDS CAN LOVE VEGETABLES!"

We should all be advertising agents for Vegetables & Co., so children are not reduced to meek creatures who live on diets of "Brown Sugar Hickory" Baked Beans and "Chicken Cheese Enchilada Flavor" Soup.


Monday, June 29, 2015

Junk Food is Linked with Depression


Hello everyone!
I read today a very interesting article on Time Magazine online about a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that shows a link between junk food and sugar consumption and depression. The findings make sense in that those who consume excess sugar and junk food are probably trying to compensate for sad feelings. I know when I'm feeling a little down, I like to eat a square of chocolate to perk up.  We should eat because we are hungry, not because we are sad. Taking a walk or run is a much more beneficial method to clear away depressing feelings, in the long term and short term. And if you choose to eat unhealthy foods while you are feeling glum, it will only perpetuate the habit and lead you to believe that junky sugary foods are associated with happiness. The bottom line is this: you are what you eat. If you eat foods that bad for you, you will experience a brief sugar high, but then return back to feeling bad. If you eat foods that are good for you, you will feel better and your body will thank you for it.

More to come!

Friday, June 26, 2015

NYTimes Article: Can the Bacteria in Your Gut Explain Your Mood?

Happy Friday!! I can feel in my gut that you guys will enjoy this great article from this week's New York Times. :)


Friday, June 19, 2015

Listen to Hippocrates

“Let FOOD be thy MEDICINE and MEDICINE be thy FOOD.”
                                             ― Hippocrates